Prep Pastoral Care

The Richard Pate family places huge importance on the welfare and happiness of our community and all the children are treated as individuals.  The teachers and teaching assistants get to know all the children in their classes extremely well and we aim to provide effective and sensitive pastoral care.

Children in Prep have class teachers and teaching assistants with whom they work closely for the majority of the week.  These adults build excellent relationships with the children and the class teacher should be the first point of contact if a pupil or parent needs to raise any concern.

Parents can email staff if they have any worries or can speak to the class teacher at the end of the day.

Class teachers are supported by Miss West, the Prep Pastoral lead.

A weekly pastoral meeting is held to discuss any pupils who may need support with emotional or physical well-being and strategies are put in place to help them.  Broader issues are also discussed at these meetings such as playtimes, assembly themes or other areas of focus for the department.

Assemblies and PSHE lessons help pupils value self and others, develop positive relationships with others, make informed choices regarding personal and social issues and distinguish right from wrong.

We place a strong emphasis on encouraging positive behaviour and good manners by rewarding and praising good choices.  Disciplinary action will be taken according to the seriousness of the incident in line with the School Behaviour Management policy.


For further information and advice, please refer to the following external organisations who can provide advice and guidance on bullying, mental health and relationships.



Mental Health:


Internet safety




Early Help Gloucestershire

Early Help and Targeted Support | Gloucestershire County Council



Open Morning: Saturday 5th October 2024

Saturday 5th October 2024

10am – 12.30pm

Come and meet our staff and pupils, have a tour of the school and discover how we can provide the ideal start to your child’s education.

To register or to book an individual tour, please call 01242 522086 or email