Junior Pastoral Care

Pastoral care at RPS is focused on one goal: children who are happy, confident and resilient.

Our community is based upon respect, good manners and fair play. We are committed to providing a safe and caring environment that is free from disruption, violence and any form of harassment and where our pupils can learn and play and can talk about their worries, confident that an adult will listen and offer help.

Each pupil has a class teacher who they see on a daily basis for registration and for many of their lessons. The class teacher is able to build a good relationship with his/her pupils and is the first port of call if a pupil, parent or specialist teacher needs to raise any concerns. Pupils are encouraged to talk to any of the teaching staff if their class teacher is unavailable.

Pupils may also put a note in the class Pupil Voice envelope or in the Worry Box. We have ‘Here to Hear’ and ‘Something to Say’ drop in sessions as well as ‘Chat and Chill’ clubs which involve mindfulness colouring in.   Should extra support be required by a pupil, we also provide 1:1 support sessions with our trained Wellbeing Counsellors. Parents can email staff if they have any concerns or may speak to the class teacher at the end of the day.

Our class teachers are supported by a Pastoral Lead; Mrs Miller-Howell.  We hold a weekly pastoral staff meeting to discuss any pupils who may need support with either their emotional or physical well-being and strategies are put in place to help them.

In addition, assemblies and PSHE lessons help pupils to value self and others, develop good relationships with other members of the school, make informed choices regarding personal and social issues and to distinguish right from wrong.

We believe that emphasising positive behaviour in School tends to marginalise poor behaviour and decreases the number of misdemeanours.  Good behaviour is encouraged, praised and rewarded. Disciplinary action will be taken according to the seriousness of the incident in line with the School Behaviour Management policy.


Caring for each individual child is central to every aspect of school life, whether in the classroom, on the sports field or in the playground, our holistic approach to childcare and education means that we see the whole person. We help to shape the children’s attitude towards each other and life in general. We teach them how to work as part of a happy, caring community while celebrating their individuality.

Each week, the class teacher introduces a short wellbeing session which is watched daily.  During this time, children are offered a selection of fruit from the fruit hamper and a milkshake (an incentive introduced by the School Council to encourage children to drink more milk!).

We are all interested in children’s mindset and how we can create motivated learners who embrace a challenge, learn from setbacks and know that they can grow their intelligence and hope that these wellbeing sessions will help continue to develop these skills.

Based on the work and research of Dr Carol Dweck, it is our intention that, as well as ensuring our children approach their work with an effective mindset, we enable them to embrace skills which will prepare children for lifelong learning.

For further information and advice, please refer to the following external organisations who can provide advice and guidance on bullying, mental health and relationships.






Mental Health




Internet Safety











Early Help Gloucestershire

Early Help and Targeted Support | Gloucestershire County Council